Monday, March 28, 2011

General Casey, Part 3: Energy Showdown

Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) has been debating General Casey for nearly nine minutes about the role of the US military in reducing energy consumption in the country. As the Senator pointed out, the defense industry generates the most greenhouse gases in the country.

When asked by Sen. Bingaman about net-zero energy consumption, Casey proved adept at responding to the concern of greenhouse gases, pointing out that the issue is about the United States government as a whole. "It affects the world equally, no matter where it's released. The question is about overall practices rather than where the energy comes from."

"Don't you think that possible energy shocks can destabilize our economy and more importantly our national security?" Bingaman countered, framing the issue as a matter of national security.

Casey responded that the "massive energy cocktail" that the military draws its energy from within the nation does not leave the US vulnerable to foreign influence.

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